

I like Omnism because..

It helps me to grow! Just like studying Quantum Mechanics, Classical Mechanics, Relativistic Mechanics, & Quantum Field Theory informs a more complete understanding of physics, I find that learning from the belief frameworks presented by all religions can inform a more complete understanding of how our world works and operates.

I think that all belief systems require faith. For example, most scientists have faith in the scientific method to produce reproducible and true results. Most atheists have faith in the non-existence of god. And most Christians have faith in Jesus Christ, his resurrection, and his teachings.

I think that having an open, honest, and respectful conversation with the holders of each of these (and all other) faiths is useful, even though at times it can be difficult.

Just like they say that you’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, I want to be the calibrated superposition of all faiths, religions, and perspectives.

- tc


One way to think about the value of Omnism is..

From a growth mindset. The longer you can withhold judgment of someone’s perspective you disagree with, the more you can understand their frame and uncover their truth.

As an example, the maker of this chart is demonstrating their lens of bias by making statements such as “garbage” and “basic AF”, but that does not mean that their frame is not valid/useful. They are doing their best to describe reality from their point of view to help other people.


If you imagine ‘Christianity’ as the Washington Post and ‘Islam’ as the Wall Street Journal, both are potentially reporting on the same event, but each have inherent bias (as all perspectives contain bias). If you can calibrate to understand the bias, you can more directly access the truth they present.

It’s also useful to understand yourself and the bias of your own lens/filter. For example, these words are written through the lens that all people are good people at their core and that everyone can change if they want to.

- tc